Cool Springtime Bike Riding

I just took a really nice bike ride and it is in the mid 40s here in Chicagoland. It reminded me of bike riding with the air conditioning on (maybe a little too high even 🙂 )

I was also thinking about those really hot and humid bike rides that I would take in the summer and how I would wish that it was really cool like it is now so I guess it’s just a matter of appreciating what you have and enjoying life as you live it. OK, maybe that’s a little heavy but it’s true and I did have a great ride too (almost up to 100 miles on my odometer for this year already!)

A couple of things that I wanted to mention regarding this kind of cool bike riding weather is that it is really important to dress properly for the weather that you’ll be riding in. I know that that sounds pretty basic but just putting on the right cloths before you hop on the bike can make a huge difference between a great ride and an uncomfortable ride

Sometimes I forget at what temperature I wear jeans and when to switch over to shorts or when I need gloves and when I don’t so I usually refer to the article that I wrote on this a year or so ago. I wrote the “How to Dress for Bike Rides in Any Weather” article as a very general guide but I actually find it very handy in the transitional seasons.

Like I said, I’m a jeans and jacket kind of rider but I could actually use a much better riding jacket and maybe even some rain gear. Oh yea, since it is spring, don’t forget to bring along some kind of protection for all those bike electronics that you might be carrying around (bike computers, cell phones, GPS, cameras, etc.). I wrote about that in the “how to dress…” page that I referenced above also.

Well, I hope you enjoy those springtime rides!